James Law is a highly experienced research professional and has been offering personal consultancy and project management since 2011.
Previously he was Managing Director responsible for the successful and profitable growth of the mruk research group across the UK (mruk research, Market Research UK and Market Research Scotland), over a 15 year period, prior to acquisition by Cello Group plc. He remained as MD within Cello group, and as a Partner on their Research and Consulting Division Board for 4 years until setting up his own consultancy.
While his initial specialism related to communication development and evaluation he has successfully conducted research and consultation activity across a very broad range of private, public and third-sector settings including marketing and social policy-related research.
For 5 years he was a member the Market Research Society Advisory Board (Company Partner Scheme), and has been a member of the British Polling Council. He has held a number of Non-Executive Directorships and was appointed a Fellow of the Market Research Society in 2018.
He has successfully completed over 1000 research projects (of all methodologies), across a wide range of sectors, settings and applications.

- [email protected]
- 07808 777415
James Law Research Associates Limited
Company registration: 387628
VAT registration: 100 6136 76