Sector experience includes:
Banking and Finance; Culture & the Arts; Charities; Environment; Enterprise; Higher Education; FMCG; Food & Drink; Government: Social Marketing / Social Policy (Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol, Sexual Health, Physical Activity, Healthy eating, Fire Safety, Parenting, Mental Health) Health including NHS; Housing; Media (Websites, Radio, TV and Newspapers); Membership Organisations; Transport & Travel; Tourism; Retail, Local Authority services; Legal; Leisure; Police & Justice; Technology; Politics: and Utilities (Energy; Water).
Current & previous clients:
39 Steps
Albert Bartlett/Scotty Brand
Allied Surveyors
Ambassador Theatre Group
Arts & Business Scotland
Bank of Scotland
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Bee Inspired (Clothing brand)
Bella & Duke
Big Think Agency
Black & Lizars
Bobath Scotland
Border Biscuits
Bright Signals
Business Stream (Scottish Water)
CA Magazine
Caledonian Marine Assets Ltd
Celtic Connections Festival
Church of Scotland
CIoT/ATT (Chartered Institute of Taxation / Association of Taxation Technicians)
Clark Communications
Classic Rock Magazine
Creative Scotland
Culture Republic
Daily Record & Sunday Mail
Dept for Transport
Direct Line
Dundee City Council
Edinburgh Napier University
First Bus Group
French Duncan Accountants
Get Living
Glasgow City Council
Glasgow Live
Golden Charter (Later Life Planning)
GO Radio
GPDF Limited (General Practitioners Defence Fund)
Guy & Co
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Highland Spring
Historic Scotland
ICAS (Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland)
Lees of Scotland
Leith Agency
Martin Plant Hire
Mary’s Meals
Megger (Electrical testing equipment manufacturer)
Metal Hammer Magazine
Metropolitan Police
Montagu Mansions
MOWI (Salmon producers)
Newsquest Newspapers
NHS 24
NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Health Scotland
Northern Constabulary
Parsley Box
Persephone’s Garden
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
QD Events (S.E.C)
Quality Meat Scotland
Registers of Scotland
Renfrewshire Council
Rock Radio
Royal Bank of Scotland
SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health)
Scotsman Publications
Scottish Ambulance Service
Scottish Ballet
Scottish Business Insider
Scottish Dairy Council
Scottish Enterprise
Scottish Government
Scottish National Heritage
Scottish Parliament
Scottish Water
Seafood Scotland
Silentnight Beds
SRH (Radio Clyde/Forth)
SSE (Scottish and Southern Energy)
SSEN (Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks)
Standard Life Investments
STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners)
Student Loans Company
Sunstone Digital
Tribal (Education Software)
The Bar Council
The Business Growth Partnership
The Drum Magazine
The Lane Agency
The Sunday Times
The Union
Welsh Assembly Government
Whyte & Mackay
WRAP (Waste Resources Action Programme)
Your Radio FM
Youth Link

- [email protected]
- 07808 777415
James Law Research Associates Limited
Company registration: 387628
VAT registration: 100 6136 76